July 4, 2017

Internship (1) : Perjuangan daftar.

Hai.....udah lama ilang hahaha kemarin sibuk kuliah lagi btw gais, ngetiknya gua-elu aja ya biar berasa ngobrolnya hehehehe
Gua mau share pengalaman gue pas magang di Kementerian Luar Negeri RI which is gua magang di Direktorat Kerja Sama Intra dan Antarkawasan Amerika-Eropa.
Jadi gua magang tuh bertiga, sekelompok gitu... magang juga gara-gara diwajibin kan dari kampus itu sebagai syarat juga supaya bisa ambil skripsi hehe dan Alhamdulillah gue sama temen-temen gue udah bisa ambil skripsi semester 7 yang mana gua ambil sekarang.
FYI, Gue magang bareng sama Iklima dan Ayas si duo Rebel hahahaha lanjut......

July 30, 2016

[Review]: EMINA Cosmetics Beauty Bliss BB Cream

Hai semuanyaHows your weekend?:p
Oke, hari ini aku mau review BB Cream. Kebetulan aku sendiri.... jarang-jarang banget sih pake BB Cream karena kulit aku suka cocok-cocokan gitu, tapi pake lah BB Cream juga kalo buat jalan. Aku pernah sekali coba pake BB Cream merk apa gitu aku lupa dan bener aja kulit aku langsung berminyak parah dan gak ada coveragenya sama sekali.
Nah tapi sekarang aku lagi pake BB Cream yang  aku mau review dari EMINA Cosmetics Beauty Bliss BB Cream. Aku beli BB Cream ini di toko kosmetik didaerah tangerang (Varia Store, yang anak tangerang bisa comment) 

July 27, 2016


Ngomongin soal make up, hal yang gak kalah penting dan gak boleh lewat dari hidup aku adalah....... *suara drum*
Source : http://colourbox.com/
Iya bener banget, itu hal yang gak boleh ketinggalan buat aku dan menurutku untuk perempuan lain juga sih karena...

July 26, 2016

Hi! I'm Back!!

Hi readers! Longtime i'm not wrote any posts on my blog. Hehe how are you guys? Btw, Happy Eid Mubarak! Please forgive me if I had so many mistakes:') . I know this is "super duper" late. (but it's okay lah ya)
I miss writing, Alhamdulillah udah mau mulai masuk ke semester 5 ( re: i'm between hell and paradise. please help me, Allah) Kayanya selama libur aku bakal mengusahakan untuk nulis blog lagi, entah cerita, review place/ restaurant/ cafe / some stuff like lipstick or hijab or anything HE, dan hijab tutorial mungkin? Selagi sempet aku bakal nulis.
Kangen banget nulis blog beneran, this blog is my half since i'm in middle school :") tapi karena udah kuliah jadi aku memfokuskan diri buat belajar (seserius itu) karena menurutku ngejar cita-cita itu gak mudah. Jadi gapapa ya?
I hope you guys, will be enjoy to read my blog ya!

Segitu dulu, nanti dilanjut lagi ya
With Love, 

March 23, 2015


I miss you so much HapHap. Kadang kalo lagi mumet sama kuliah, capek gitu gue suka keinget kalian, suka bikin kangen ramenya kita, bayangin aja personilnya banyak banget:") JKT48 kalah *eh gak deh, kita mah TNG48 HAHA selalu inget tiap kita ngumpul dikantin, mau kekelas main tunggu-tungguan "kekelas yuk"// "ayuk"// "tapi nanti dulu deh" *ngobrol lagi* sampe ada yang bangun dari bangku baru kekelas, kalo mau jalan komo paling on time. Ngumpul jam set-2 yang lain baru pada otw lu udah sampe mo. Kangen liat novi ngaca, kangen dijemput kekantin sama septy, kangen lu pada ngetawain gue kalo gue sedih, kangen rendang mamanya komo, kangen makanan ayu, kangen suara icut, ija. Pokoknya kangen semuanya.

March 20, 2015

Pelayanan yang Tak Terasa Manis

Longtime no see ya readers, gue mau cerita sedikit pengalaman saat coba wiskul (wisata kuliner) hehe ke Ragusa Italia Ice Cream, I'm sure you've heard this place before. Lokasi Ragusa Es Italia berada di Jakarta Pusat  tepatnya di Jl. Veteran I No.10 dekat banget sama masjid istiqlal dan monas juga hehe.  Ice cream ini cukup terkenal karena ketradisionalannya, tanpa bahan pengawet, apalagi rasanya yang enak banget dan juga sudah ada sejak tahun 1932. Ketika datang kesana Ragusa cukup ramai tempatnya dan tidak terlalu besar hingga gue sama teman-teman jadi nunggu orang yang udah selesai makan.  Dekorasinya bener-bener vintage sampe berasa dibawa kemasa lalu,  didepannya ada tukang makanan ya worth it lah mengingat diragusa cuma ada es krim.

May 30, 2014

Happy Graduation!

So long i'm not posted something on this blog.
Finally, do you know? I was graduated on high-school! School exams, and national exams finally has been passed. I was between in sadness and happiness. Sad because, ah capek ngetik bahasa inggris gini... sedih bakal pisah sama hap-hap!:( but the time always goes by. You can't stop the time, and you can't turn back the time. You should have a future, and don't be worried about it. I hope they will not forget about me, and me too. Love and Friendship in the "HIGH SCHOOL" things i'll miss about that but i'm happy today. It always will be a sweet memories for me. I've been waiting this moment for so long

March 4, 2014

“The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance, or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or perfect than me he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as I was. As I would always belong to him, so would he always be mine.”  ― Stephenie Meyer, New Moon

January 25, 2014


I've found you in my lonely heart, (just don't call me lonely girl he-he) because you're not justin bieber hahaha lolz. I've found you in my emptiness soul when I need someone who understand what's the meaning of an affection. You've came and get into my lonely heart room and locked it with all happiness that I can't describe. I feel different things on you, I don't know about, is first love come when we're seeing someone for the first time or when we feel different things with someone we love? I felt different things with you, I can't to leave you. Now, when I'm with you I felt my life is full of colours, happiness, and joyness. So thankful because I have someone like you. You make my life complete.
Besides my mom, and absolutely all of my best friends now you're always fill every seconds of my life. You've always makes a happiness in your ways though is simple but you always know how can makes my lips smiling, my cheeks blushing, my eyes sparkling. Oh boy, you're not a character in fiction novels that I always read. You are you. Why you can make me feels so in love with you?No, no this a deep-deep-deep love. 
I'm always remember the first day when you smiled at me, the first day you hold my hand, the first day you took me out and we both had a beautiful day. So happy to remember that, but never forget the first day when we had an arguments:p
Thankyou for teaching me to grow becomes a lady with positive mind, thankyou for advised me when I'm wrong, thankyou for always keeps your faithful, thankyou for every times that you've spend to me, thankyou for all flowers, thankyou for always makes me happy, thankyou for never mad for a long time, thankyou for accepts who I am, thankyou for loving my family, thankyou for your laugh because I like to see that when you're with me, thankyou for your shoulder when I miss my dad and when I'm with you absolutely, thankyou for never get tired to thaught me the physics and chemistry when tomorrow I have a test:'D, and thankyou for never stop loving me.

October 14, 2013

"Sometimes you have to be apart for people you love, but that doesn't make you love them less, sometimes you love them more" - The Last Song

July 17, 2013

"I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now" - @damnitstrue